1001 Most Commonly Misspelled Words
This is collection of a carefully selected list of 1001 words that are commonly used but misspelled.
Word-Bee is a simple word guessing game word: easy to understand and fun to play. One new word each day.
Word of the Day
Some are for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels as per proficiency in the language.
Listen to the word, use it, make a few sentences, and improve your spelling and vocabulary.
The best way to improve your spelling skills is not by learning the Dictionary. Definitely not! The Dictionary is an essential source for reference and we should all use it for that purpose.
Learning how to Spell is like learning how to Swim. One has to step into the water. So you have to Read a Lot, Write the words and Use the words ... Lo behold! You are on your way to becoming an expert speller.
Here are today's Words. Listen to them. Use them. Write them and you will KNOW them!
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This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are.
Escape the Mundane
This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are.
Monuments of Love
This is a great place to let your visitors know who you are.